We decided to use the unity game engine as some people on the team were briefly familiar with the engine as well as the engine is free to use for developers.
One of the many puzzle components in our game. These puzzle components can open doors, make a wall "climeable" and much more. This adds a unique layer to our puzzle game.
A simple image of the free game assets that unity provides that we have incorporated into our game so that it has better graphics.
An image of a player within the change-wall-animation. This animation helps players realize that they have switched to a new field of gravity which helps them get used to their new environment.
The oculus rift headset that we used to make the game. It was an integral part of the game developing process. It was great to work with real cutting-edge technology.
One game tester that is using the oculus rift to play our game. The game also uses WASD controls as well as a number of function buttons to walk around and perfom actions within the game.