A - Firstly, a lot of members on our team had experience using the Oculus Rift. This familiarity helped us start development much faster than if we had chosen another device. Another reason is Oculus Rifts are much more easily available.Lastly, the Oculus Rift is known to be very compatible with Desktop Applications.
A - Once again, a lot of members on our team had experience using Unity. This helped us start the basics of our project much less painfully than if we chose another game engine.
A - During our initial test runs, when we attempted to shift gravity and climb walls without shifting gravity, it was very disorienting, and made the player nauseous.
A - This was because we wanted the game to feel as realistic as possible since it was a VR game. We wanted the player to feel like they are physically present in the surroundings.
A - At first, we started with a 2D main menu, like most games have today. However, when we looked at this in VR, it looks very disappointing, and we wanted the player to actually feel like they were interacting with their surroundings, right from the get-go. This was the reason we made a 3D main menu, rather than a standard flat one.
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